• Lunch and Language

    Bienvenidos a Colombia!

    The Lunch & Language event on November 1 featured Colombian Spanish. The presenter Victoria Beltra (from Applied and Computational Mathematics) was born and raised in Cali, a city southwest of Bogotá, known for salsa dancing and cane of sugar farms.  Victoria took us for a wonderful journey through Colombia, a country with beautiful beaches, mountains, and a  haven of biodiversity, with exotic animals and a variety of orchid flowers. The country’s population is very diverse, and we have learned that Colombians enjoy celebrating their heritage through family traditions, festivals, and carnivals. Although Victoria was presenting entirely in Spanish, even non-Spanish speakers could get to feel the energy and the beauty…

  • Tiger Trot for Hunger: 5k Run/Walk

    Please join the ERGs at the 2023 Annual Tiger Trot for Hunger 5k Run & Walk! This is a great way for us to get some fresh air, connect with campus colleagues, and support a great cause. Proceeds from the 5k go to Arm In Arm, a local non-profit organization that helps Mercer County citizens in need of food, housing, and joint support.   There are many ways to get involved:   Register your interest in participating in the walk as part of our ERG team via the ERG interest form by Friday, November 10th. This information will help us determine the size of our team and order t-shirts for…

  • IEGAP Craft & Chat: Explore Furoshiki

    Please join IEGAP – Craft&Chat and AS@P ERGs for our Furoshiki Cloth Wrapping event. Furoshiki is a Japanese, sustainable cloth wrapping of gifts and lunch boxes. Furoshiki can wrap oddly shaped objects, and you can make bags out of furoshiki. Marie Kondo’s YouTube video about Furoshiki. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrIeSahFAaY   Please bring your own scissors and a small gift to wrap in furoshiki.  

  • IEGAP Holiday Potluck

      Join us to share an appetizer, dish or dessert from your home country and learn what other countries celebrate around Thanksgiving.  

  • meeting

    IEGAP Fall 2023 General Meeting

    Thank you all who joined the IEGAP General Meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2023. It was great seeing  current and new members representing different countries! IEGAP’s leadership team presented several updates  on current initiatives and future plans.    Some highlights: If you would like to volunteer for any of the IEGAP committees please sign up here: The leadership also shared initiatives launched by other campus partners.  The General Meeting concluded with an icebreaker session – an activity where the members got a chance to interact and get to know each other.   Thank you all for coming and stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and initiatives. We missed those who couldn’t…

  • International Professional Writing Group

    International Professional Writing Group invites everyone to the meeting discussing Using idioms. Celebratory food—a potluck More information at https://pwrites.princeton.edu/international-coffee-break/ Meetings are held on Tuesdays, from 12:00-1:30 PM in B03 New South. Lunch is provided, and RSVPs are appreciated.

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  • International Professional Writing Group

    International Professional Writing Group invites everyone to the meeting discussing Poetry from around the world-group reading and discussion of the subtleties of language. More information at https://pwrites.princeton.edu/international-coffee-break/ Meetings are held on Tuesdays, from 12:00-1:30 PM in B03 New South. Lunch is provided, and RSVPs are appreciated.

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  • International Professional Writing Group

    International Professional Writing Group invites everyone to the meeting discussing Using articles and prepositions—a refresher More information at https://pwrites.princeton.edu/international-coffee-break/ Meetings are held on Tuesdays, from 12:00-1:30 PM in B03 New South. Lunch is provided, and RSVPs are appreciated.

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  • IEGAP Fall Members Meeting

    IEGAP General Meeting

    Please join us for our IEGAP General Meeting! Julis Romo Rabinowitz 399 (Third Floor) Sandwiches and desserts will be provided. Please bring your own beverage to the event. We will go over exciting information looking at the year ahead. RSVP Link: https://forms.gle/FwFrsTFUVGwDfif2A