Princeton International Cinema Series: Mary and the Witch’s Flower (12/6)
This film is a part of Princeton International Cinema Series and IEGAP members are eligible for free tickets (and free popcorn). The film is shown at Princeton Garden Theatre on Thursday, Dec 6 at 5:30pm. “Mary and the Witch’s Flower” An adventure story about a young girl named Mary, who discovers a flower that grants magical powers for one night. Country of origin: Japan Running time 1 hour, 43 minutes. https://princetongardentheatre.org/films/mary-and-the-witchs-flower
Global Mindfulness Workshop Series
Introducing the New IEGAP Leadership Team
Dear friends and colleagues, Thank you to the candidates who put themselves forward for these roles and thank you IEGAP members for voting for the new leadership team. It is with great pleasure that we announce the following leadership roles: President: Alicja Tadych Vice President: Patricia Jones Secretary: Melissa DiMeglio Congratulations to you all! We welcome members to join the Steering Committee which serves as a core group in the overall programming of events and activities throughout the year. Best, Min Pullan, Floe Fusin-Wischusen, Jessica Dagci
Incoming election of IEGAP officers
It’s time for election of IEGAP officers for the two-year term starting from November 2018. Please nominate other IEGAP members (or yourself) for the following positions: President, Vice President and Secretary. Important dates to remember: October 12 (Fri) – Deadline to submit nominations to Jessica Dagci (jhoppe@princeton.edu) and Floe Fusin-Wischusen (floe@princeton.edu) October 17 (Wed) – Confirmation of nominations (and submission of candidate’s brief bio) October 19 (Fri) – Election (online setup by HR) October 22 (Mon) – Announcement of election results November 1 (Thu) – Official start date of the two-year term
Documentary film “Of Fathers and Sons” at Princeton Garden Theatre
This film is a part of Princeton International Cinema Series and IEGAP members are eligible for free tickets. “Of Fathers and Sons” While sharing the life of a radical Islamist family, award-winning filmmaker Talal Derki captured the story of 12- and 13-year-old brothers being groomed by their father to be Jihad fighters. 1 hour, 38 minutes. Running time 1 hour, 38 minutes. Directed by: Talal Derki
Argentinian Film “Zama” at the Princeton Garden Theatre
This film is a part of Princeton International Cinema Series and IEGAP members are eligible for free tickets. “Zama” Based on the 1956 novel by Antonio Di Benedetto, this Argentine film, nominated for an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, tells the story of a 17th century Spanish officer in a remote posting who awaits his transfer to his native Buenos Aires. Zama’s situation is delicate. He must ensure that nothing overshadows his transfer. He is forced to accept submissively every task entrusted to him by successive governors who come and go as he stays behind. The years go by and the letter from the king never arrives.…
IEGAP members in HR Communiqué
The latest issue of HR Communiqué (pages 8 and 9) describes our two amazing IEGAP members: Jessica Hoppe Dağci and Ma. Florevel (Floe) Fusin-Wischusen who were honored with President’s Achievement Award and Donald Griffin’23 Management Award. Once again congratulations!
ERG Year End Celebration with ERGs Got Talent Show – June 28, Noon, at Frick Chem Lab
ERG Year End Celebration will be on 6/29 at noon at Frick Chem Lab. ERG is planning an ERG Got Talent Show and encourages our members to share their talents. Please RSVP at by clicking this link.
Princeton International Cinema Series – Spring 2018
IEGAP organizes this cinema series together with Princeton Public Library and The Davis International Center at Princeton University. Screenings are free for IEGAP members!
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