Spring Members Meeting
Thank you all who joined us for the General Meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. It was great seeing our members representing 17 different countries! The IEGAP President, Mariyah Salem, opened the meeting with a minute of silence to remember the victims of the Turkey and Syria earthquake. We shared a list of organizations and campus efforts if you wish to support the victims and their families: webpage
The following updates from the Leadership team and the Subcommittees on IEGAP current initiatives and future plans were presented to the participants:
Two new sub-committees had been created: Community Outreach to help engage with external organizations and to serve as a responsible community steward to promote the ideals of diversity and inclusion; and Professional Development, to provide opportunities to acquire skills and knowledge for personal growth and professional advancement.
We talked about upcoming events of the International Film Club that continues virtually through Kanopy, and we also considered other screening platforms as well as options for in-person screenings on campus which have been planned by the committee members.
We discussed the Lunch and Language series. Everyone enjoyed our first Lunch & Language of the year that featured the Philippines. The committee updated us on their next session planned for April which will be presented in Sign Language.
We also discussed upcoming Craft and Chat events. We will update you all with details later.
We discussed improving the Communications for IEGAP. Members suggested different communication methods to avoid sending out numerous emails to members and keep improving our website. We are looking for members to join the Communication Committee to streamline communication, such as a newsletter, posts on websites, etc.
If you would like to volunteer for any of the committees please sign up here:
We also shared other initiatives launched by Human Resources to help recruit New Members: New Hire Event on March 29th, hosted by the Talent Acquisition team and Facilities Townhall. Members were very enthusiastic about a potential collaboration with Princeton Center for Language Study to host Faculty/Staff Language Table Interest. The idea of this series is for employees to practice speaking foreign languages, currently German, Italian, French, Spanish, and Arabic are offered and we are looking to hear from you what languages we could potentially propose to the Language Table series.
The meeting concluded with a Speed Networking section where during a short interaction, meeting participants got to share their personal and professional backgrounds.
Thank you all for coming and stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and initiatives.